Smudging 101: How to Use Sage and Palo Santo

by Astral Angelica
Hi Everyone! This is just a quick guide for reference but feel free to email me, if you have any specific questions. Email-
*Always use caution when burning Sage or Palo Santo. Relight your Sage or Palo Santo as needed.
Open a door or window to allow any negative/low frequency energy to exit your space.
Light your Sage or Palo Santo for 5-20 seconds. Allow the flame to smolder naturally, you will use the smoke to smudge. Use a heat safe dish or tray to catch any potential ashes while smudging.
To smudge a room or space, move the smoke from the Sage or Palo Santo around the entire room (including corners). While smudging, you can assertively direct any negative or low frequency energy out of your space through the open door or window. You may also use this time to set intentions or express gratitude.  
To smudge a person or an object, slowly move the smoke around the person or object in a clockwise direction.
Trust your own energy/discernment while smudging and be confident!
Love and Light, 
Astral Angelica